About Followers Forever
Followers Forever is a digital tool that empowers both creators and audience to cut out the middle man. With a clean and accessible design Creators will be able to easily set up their profiles, link all their social media accounts such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube, and more. They can then effortlessly notify their followers when their links change or when they go live, ensuring a direct line of communication. In addition, followers will gain the ability to curate their own personalized lists of creators, discovering new friends and staying up to date with their favorite content. By opting in to push notifications, followers will receive real-time updates and never miss a moment of their preferred creators' activities. Followers Forever puts the control back into the hands of the user. It's the ultimate tool to break the shackles of social media control.
Learn More
Read the articles below to learn more about what Followers Forever is, how it works, and why you need it.
Shadow Banning is Wage Theft
Shadow banning on TikTok is more than just a technical glitch —it's a deliberate practice that has significant financial implications for content creators
The Birthday Party Model
Followers Forever's Birthday Party Model ensures a safe, trusted community with invitation-only access.
Hooked by Switching Costs
Switching costs make leaving platforms difficult. Followers Forever is the best tool to reduce the switching costs.
Serfs and Suckers
online spaces turn us into serfs or suckers. For those getting paid, it’s never enough, while everyone else has their data stolen and manipulated
Algorithmic Genocide
Using AI to target and suppress the language of LGBTQIA2S+ and disabled creators, is a form of digital erasure with profound consequences
Promoting Followers Forever
Followers Forever is the best way for your followers to find you and you to find your followers wherever you publish.
Disintermediation, Re-Intermediation, and Enshittification of the Internet
Tech giants control the flow of content and profit from it. Followers Forever make the relationship between content creators and audience more direct.
Data Rights and Equity
Social media sites are making money off your data exchanges. Followers Forever is reflecting on rights to your data.